miércoles, 26 de junio de 2024

Venezuela: Forging a Brighter Path


Today, Saturday, June 29, 2024, many of us dream of a new dawn for Venezuela. Our hearts beat in unison, filled with hope and unwavering faith, and most importantly, without a trace of fear. Our daily prayers rise to the heavens, yearning for the deserved blessings for this long-suffering nation, under the tight steel fist of a military regime governed from Havana since 1998.

The freedom and prosperity we once knew, which kept us united regardless of race, religion, or background, was achieved during forty years of democracy—though not perfect, as perfection only exists in the Heavens.

Our Liberator Simón Bolívar once said: "An ignorant people is a blind instrument of its destruction." Believe it or not, that gross mistake has been sufficiently paid for. Those ignorant and well-educated people who voted for Hugo Chávez, a felonious lieutenant colonel, failed paratrooper, and politically uneducated military individual, brought our nation into the greatest darkness, derailing the economy and mismanaging the main national oil industry—our main source of budget income—destroying PDVSA, the successful national enterprise, reducing it to ashes.

The situation worsened to its lowest level with Nicolás Maduro and his incompetent, ambitious, and corrupt entourage in the years following Chávez's death on December 28, 2012. They falsified his signature and blatantly lied to the Venezuelan people, creating an unbelievable but interesting romantic drama by transporting Chávez’s cadaver to the country three months after his death to coincide with Stalin's date of death, March 5, 1953.

All this is now well behind us. Venezuelans of goodwill rise as best-informed and united brave people, each of us with a credible plan to rebuild our nation with genuine excitement, honesty, humility, strong passion, and coordinated effort.

In 1989, Venezuela was a beacon of progress in Latin America, with a per capita GDP of $8,357 and a poverty rate of 31.3%. Today, after 25 years of daily increasing crises, we face the challenge of overcoming a 75% economic contraction and a resilient poverty rate that reached 94.5% in 2021.

However, the indomitable spirit of all Venezuelans persists. No one closes their eyes without remembering how seven years ago, poor youths with cardboard shields dreamed of restoring our freedom but were killed miserably in the streets of many cities, like Neomar Lander, a brave youth who gave his life for the sake of freedom.

We envision, with deep wounds and scars in our hearts, a near future well-designed, where our cities will transform into models of innovation and sustainability, emulating the smart cities of Singapore. We imagine the recovery of our ecosystems, such as the Canaima National Park, home to the majestic Angel Falls, preserving its natural beauty while promoting responsible tourism.

Furthermore, we can already see the long-awaited brotherhood taking shape, free from the resentment and constant conflict that once plagued us. Our differences in skin color, bank accounts, and other past divisions are now irrelevant as we unite in a spirit of harmony and mutual respect.

Venezuelans embody faith, kindness, and a vibrant sense of humor, which will serve as the glue and driving force propelling us toward a well-deserved horizon.

The Renaissance of Abundance

Venezuela's economic recovery will soar like a phoenix from its ashes, inspired by the visionary leadership of figures such as Javier Milei in Argentina and Nayib Bukele in El Salvador. We will also overcome the notorious “Aragua Train” gang or any other mob within two years by implementing security policies similar to those used against the gangs in El Salvador or the old Chicago of Al Capone.

Additionally, there is already a national project called "Tierra de Gracia" (Land of Grace), developed by María Corina Machado's team, which includes bold and effective economic policies designed to make us the energy hub that she, as an exceptional leader, has frequently emphasized.

Under the leadership of María Corina and Edmundo González Urrutia, a serious diplomat, and with advisers of great wisdom like Moisés Naím, former Ambassador Diego Arria, and renowned economists such as Ricardo Hausmann and Miguel Rodríguez, our country will adopt economic models that combine free market principles with responsible fiscal management and corporate social responsibility. A truly independent Central Bank will be established to maintain monetary stability and combat the hyperinflation that has plagued the country, forcing Venezuelans to eat from garbage scraps. With all these policies, our currency, the Bolívar, will regain its real value, becoming internationally relevant.

The oil industry, once the crown jewel of our economy, as the brilliant Venezuelan Humberto Calderón Berti calls it, will be revitalized. PDVSA will be transformed back into what it once was: an efficient and transparent company capable of competing globally. This revival will be driven by meritocracy and the innovative leadership of the Oil People, who are eager to return and, like everyone else, start anew—not in foreign lands, but in their homeland.

This will not divert our focus from the urgent need to diversify our economy. We will promote sectors such as agriculture, tourism, technology, and even the entertainment industry, much like South Korea has done. We aim to replicate the success of our past governments in the 80s and 90s when Venezuelan soap operas were watched and translated into more than 30 languages. Welcoming foreign investments will play a crucial role in our recovery.

Visionary entrepreneurs like Elon Musk will recognize Venezuela as fertile ground for innovation. Picture the offices of "X," Musk's integrated wallet multiplatform, taking root in our revitalized industrial zones, creating jobs, and attracting global talent. We also envisage a recovery plan akin to the Marshall Plan after World War II.

The Return of Talent

The Venezuelan exodus, estimated at over 8 million people, has been one of the most painful consequences of our crisis. However, in this new era, we will witness the massive return of our compatriots, bringing with them experiences, knowledge, and a global perspective that will undoubtedly enrich our society.

To facilitate their return, we will implement repatriation programs. Future governments will offer tax incentives, reintegration support, and attractive job opportunities. Our goal is not only to recover our talents but also to attract investment and knowledge from these expatriates.

Education will stand as the cornerstone of our renaissance, a pillar upon which we shall rebuild our nation's future. Our once-esteemed educational system, formerly a beacon of excellence in Latin America, will undergo a profound revitalization. We envision our public schools transformed into bastions of innovation, where cutting-edge technology meets pedagogical expertise. These institutions will be staffed by a cadre of highly trained educators, many returning from the Venezuelan diaspora, bringing with them a wealth of global perspectives and best practices.

In our commitment to nurturing talent, we will resurrect iconic programs that once propelled our nation's intellectual growth. The restoration of CONICIT and the prestigious "Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho" scholarships will reignite opportunities for our most promising minds to engage with world-class education at renowned global institutions. These initiatives, successful hallmarks of our recent past, will once again serve as launching pads for Venezuela's future leaders and innovators.

Concurrently, we shall bolster our domestic higher education sector, elevating it to new heights of academic rigor and relevance. Our aim is nothing short of transforming Venezuela into a preeminent educational hub for the Spanish-speaking world. This ambitious vision will not only serve our citizens but will also attract talent from across the region, fostering a vibrant, multicultural academic environment that propels innovation and cultural exchange.

Through these concerted efforts, we lay the foundation for a knowledge-based society, one that honors our rich cultural heritage while embracing the challenges and opportunities of the global stage. Education, in its most comprehensive and forward-thinking form, will be the engine driving Venezuela's resurgence on the world stage.

A Bright and Sustainable Future

Thanks to CITIZEN FORCE, Venezuela is now building a possible and credible dream, making it a reality. In a few years, our cities will transform into smart cities and intelligent neighborhoods with their own power plants for any contingency, as well as “IoT” (Internet of Things) that will allow us to live comfortably and, above all, safely.

This will be achieved by combining cutting-edge technology with our rich cultural heritage and our characteristic tolerance and respect.

Imagine Caracas in 2035 and beyond, with an efficient and ecological public transportation system, bicycles, bike lanes, smart buildings optimizing energy use, and green public spaces improving the quality of life for all citizens.

Additionally, a cleaned-up Guaire River (it was promised many times to our people) and an efficient water system will ensure that no Venezuelan goes without access to the vital liquid.

Quality public schools will be the foundation of our renewed society. Every Venezuelan child, regardless of their socioeconomic background, will have access to first-rate education. Our society will implement digital education programs, ensuring that our young people are prepared for the challenges of the 21st century and beyond. Amid this transformation, we will never forget who we are, what we have learned, and how we have changed.

Our Venezuelan identity, that unique blend of joy, resilience, and creativity, will remain our greatest strength. We will preserve our traditions, from gastronomy to our cultural expressions, integrating them harmoniously with the modernity that is emerging.

Just one example, “El Rey del Pescado Frito” in the state of Vargas (now called La Guaira) will remain an icon but now surrounded by a revitalized and protected marine ecosystem, so that "caraqueños," with an optimized Metro system and ultra-fast train transport, can reach the best beaches and enjoy our piece of Tierra de Gracia in just 30 minutes.

Our beaches, always beautiful, from Morrocoy to Los Roques, will be examples of sustainable tourism, attracting visitors from all over the world.

God holds us in His hands, as He already has done all this time through the worst storms. In that case, we will also live in a united America, where from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, a train will unite continents and hearts, with Venezuela as a mandatory stop. This ambitious project will symbolize our connection with the world and our role as a bridge between nations.

The Venezuela of tomorrow will be a country where honesty, hard work, and innovation are rewarded. Where our future children will grow up without fear, knowing that their dreams can come true in their own hands. Where the Venezuelan family, now reunited, can enjoy together the fruits of our national renaissance.

This is our moment. Together, we will rebuild the paradise that is Venezuela, creating a legacy of prosperity for future generations. The world will watch in amazement as, from the ashes of adversity, a renewed, vibrant, and hopeful nation emerges. This is the Venezuela we deserve, and this is the Venezuela that united, we will build from July 28, the day we ALL will defend our vote.

As Bolívar said, "Union is what we need to complete the work of our regeneration." Today, this union of Venezuelan identity will lead us to the greatness we deserve. And “UNTIL THE END”, it is, until we are ETERNAL like Bolívar, Miranda, and the Liberators of America.

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